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Selectmen's Minutes - February 14, 1995
             Selectmen's Meeting - February 14, 1995

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, Acting Chair; Charles Flynn,
and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk with Peter Jones arriving 6:50pm.
Also: Joe Nugent, Executive Secretary to Board of Selectmen.  

I. Opening: Vice-Chair Judith Murdoch called meeting to order at
6:35pm. The warrant and bills to be signed during the meeting.

II. Water Department: In efforts for Selectmen to attend another
scheduled meeting, the Water Commissioners consented to this
earlier meeting. Commissioners present: Phyllis Bickford, Thomas
Dahlberg and Don Morway.  Also present but not participating in
the discussion were Commissioner Currie and the Commission's
secretary, Carol Severizzo.  Bickford reported that the
Informational Meeting held last Thursday at the Fire Station for
abutters to the Brook Street site was well received by the 30-40
people in attendance.  Abutters received written invitations to
come to hear the presentation.  All Commissioners felt that CDM
did a great job and a lot of questions were taken and answered.
Other meetings to be scheduled: 1) for the seminar on water
issues discussed at a previous joint meeting; 2) upcoming Town-
wide presentation on the need for additional water site / Brook
Street potential; 3) Commission developing a flyer to pass out
Town-wide for informational purposes on the need to develop water
sources.   4) Bickford relayed Commission's request for a Town-
wide meeting for all Town Boards to attend in order to have
questions on Brook Street aired before the upcoming Town Meeting
in May.  Nugent suggested piggybacking this type of meeting on a
Saturday morning with a previous type of forum.  General
consensus was for March 18, 1995 from 9 to 11AM at the Senior
Center.  Bickford to have meeting confirmed and to send out first
notice to all Boards.  Selectmen to send a second reminder of the
meeting, for attendance by the Boards, closer to the date.  

Bickford noted that no further communication has been received
from the Clarks by the Commissioners or by Town Counsel, Patrick
Costello. All remain hopeful for discussions to begin.

As moratorium stands, the Water Department cannot hook-up the
Housing Authority's L.Z. Thomas project.  The moratorium ties the
Board's hands.  Woodbrook Estates off King Street is in the same
position - until the moratorium is lifted, no hooks to Town
water.   The next topic for the next meeting set for March 7th at
7:30pm at the Water Department will be which expenses paid by the
general Town funds, if any, can be reimbursed by the Water
Department monies.  Bookkeeping issues raised by the audit
report.  Nugent felt that the elected officials should be
discussing and then making decisions.

II. 175th Anniversary Update:  Parade Committee Chair Lila Coyle
gave the Board and viewing audience a look at the framed Folk Art
print of the Town done by Kathy Ferrara in honor of the Town's
175th Anniversary.  She gave updates on the March 4th planned
autographing of the Print to go on sale that day; the March 11th
Baked Bean Supper; the Anniversary Ball on April 1st; and the
September 24th Parade.  Murdoch then read a letter from Committee
Chair Kuchinski requesting the Board of Selectmen's attendance
and participation at the February 22, 1995 Kick-off celebration
at the Senior Center.  This letter was followed by Kuchinski
reading a Proclamation declaring that February 22, 1995 would
begin the calendar year-long 175th Anniversary celebration.
Motion 2/14/95.1: move that the Board of Selectmen issue
Proclamation as read this evening.  Motion made by Kuchinski with
second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.  

III. Special Town Meeting: This meeting is to be held within the
Annual Town on May 1, 1995.  Motion 2/14/95.2: move that the
Board of Selectmen open the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting
to close no later than April 4, 1995.  Motion made by Kuchinski
with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.  

IV. Meeting Schedule: After short discussion, Motion 2/14/95.3:
move that the Board of Selectmen schedule their next meetings as
follows: March 7 at the Water Department, March 14, March 28,
April 4 and April 18, 1995 with meetings to be held at 7PM.
Motion by Kuchinski with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.  

V. Renewal of Cab License: This company, "Cabbie, the Family Cab.
Inc." has three vehicles and operates from 457 Franklin Street,
Whitman.  No concerns from any Town Hall office. Motion
2/14/95.4: move that to issue a renewal cab license with
expiration of December 31, 1995 for "Cabbie, the Family Cab,
Inc." operating from 457 Franklin Street. Motion by Kuchinski
with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  

VI. 175th Anniversary Action Requests: After a short explanation
for the need to downsize the 30 odd member committee and
assistance with the proper wording, Kuchinski requested the
Board's action to address voting membership for quorum purposes
at the meetings and that everyone who volunteers will be
recognized as an Associate to the Anniversary Committee. Motion
2/14/95.5: move to reconstitute the membership on the 175th
Anniversary Committee to be as follows: Members as Cathy
Kuchinski as Chair; Eva Burton, Lila Coyle, Mary Foley, Judi
Hatch, Ken Larson, Stacy Martikke, Carole McCormack, Laura Paine,
Estelle Smith, Gene Berry, Judy Braley, Paul Cameron, Bernard
Delorey, Karen Downey, Angela Erben, Warren Emerson, Kathy
Ferrara, Sylvia Redpath, Madeline Swanson, and recognizing the
following individuals as Associates to the Committee: Joanne
Blauss, Carol Connelly, Tina Darnell, John Dias, Kathy Dugan, Tom
and Stephanie McSweeney, Cathy Mitchell, MaryBeth Muldowney,
Claire Riddell, Lou Russo, John and Claire Seamans, Ken Sharland,
Mark Vess, Georgia Clancy, Ed Colley, Marie Conway, Fran Curry,
Ann Gredler, Marcus Linn, Jesse McSweeney, Iris Morway, Matthew
and Barbara Murphy, Louise Scott, Warren Silvia, Tom Smiley,
Robert Smith, Norma Webster, Frances Zaro.  Motion by Kuchinski
with second by Jones. Motion carried 4-0.   Motion 2/14/95.6:
move to issue permission for the 175th Anniversary Committee to
have use of the Town Hall grounds for a series of Band Concerts
scheduled for June 25, 1995 July 16, July 23, July 30, August 6,
August 13, August 20, and August 27. Motion by Kuchinski with
second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.

VII. HALT Community Partnership: Susan McSweeney, town resident
and Keith Knowles, HALT's Workplace Prevention Coordinator spoke
to the Board about the ways the Partnership would like to assist
the Community.  McSweeney addressed the services offered and
Knowles complimented the Board on mandatory alcohol server
training for establishments in Town.  The next seminar is April
27 at Plimoth Plantation and officials and businesses will be
invited.  Kuchinski remembered that HALT had asked for a member
of the Board to be the Board's representative, but with their
schedules it was not possible.  Kuchinski requested McSweeney's
permission to propose her for being the Board's representative.
Upon her agreement, Motion 2/14/95.7: move to appoint Susan
McSweeney as the Board's representative at HALT.  Motion by
Kuchinski with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.   Jones
noted that Knowles should contact a Mr. Sweeney at the High
school to give him literature and/or assistance with DOT382
regulation on alcohol testing for drivers.  Knowles also stated
that HALT will be sending out RFPs for $500 mini-grants.

VIII. Action Requests: (1) Kuchinski asked Nugent for status on
the Rockland Landfill and contact with MEPA for extension to have
comments send in by the Board.  Nugent noted that Rockland
Selectmen have taken control of the Landfill operation.  (2)
Kuchinski requested that the Vegetated Management Plan for the
railroad be requested prior to the end of the comment period.
Purpose is to see if any changes are contemplated with the coming
of the railroad.  (3) Flynn noted that the lights at the Town
Hall are now working.  (4) DARE graduation is set for Thursday
the 16th.  (5) Flynn asked if East Bridgewater will attempt
another meeting since there are several regional issues to be

IX. Executive Secretary Report: (1) Nugent, McCormack and Gomez
had the exit audit with the auditors.  They feel there has been
another fine year for the Town.   The exit conference with the
Board and committees with the auditors is scheduled for March
14th.  (2) Treasurer/Collector to discuss delinquent tax account
collection on 2/21 with the Board.  (3) Building Inspector's
monthly report noted by Nugent.  Kuchinski asked for types of
zoning violations being pursued.  Coyle noted that Board members
and the public could also send letters to Board of Appeals which
could, if appropriate, be forwarded for zoning inspections and/or
action.  (4) Dispatch grievance hearing to be held 2/21.  (5)
2/28/95 agenda will have setting elected officials salary.  (6)
Nugent discussed Budget tracking for January.

X. Adjournment: Motion 2/14/95.8: move to adjourn. Motion made by
Kuchinski with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.  Adjourned
at 8:19pm.